Important Notice
It had been brought to our attention that recently, there have been circulations of email from our Chairman, Mr. Tsutomu Hiroe requesting for assistance in retaining in an acquisition or merging transactions, which are proven to be online fraud and scam that are UNRELATED TO OUR COMPANY OR OUR CHAIRMAN.
It is hereby stated that under no circumstances that our Chairman, Mr. Tsutomu Hiroe or even our company, Ushio Hong Kong Limited had any plan or intention of any acquisition or merging. We therefore, WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITIES ARISING FROM SUCH TRANSACTIONS, be it now or in the future.
We had given great concern on this matter and had taken all necessary steps to prevent such fraud and had reported the matter to related parties and Google Alphabet on the abuse and misuse of the Gmail for such scheme.
The following are some of the Gmail addresses that had been used as disguises and noted for the fraud. It is not surprising that there might be more, therefore, please be vigilant and if there is any doubt or suspicious email or company, please take appropriate action as necessary:
(1). ushiohkltd@gmail.com
(2). thsiurto@gmail.com
(3). tsutomu.hiroe@gmail.com
(4). tsutomuhiroeltd@gmail.com